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Life Accelerator

Only 25% of Americans have a clear understanding what their purpose is. 40% either don’t know or don’t care. - The New York Times

Everyone needs to reach a state of mastery.
Master is achieved when a human being's abilities and passions are maximised.

Purpose is the answer

How do you find it and maximise it?

In this course you will:
  • Identify your special talents and abilities
  • Discover their purpose in life, the reason for being
  • Learn how to plan your life to set yourself up for success
  • Take charge of your life with the help of a coach
  • Launch your own life accelerator plan
Write your awesome label here.

If there is one course that will determine your life's  direction, it's this one.

What's included?

  • 7 Webinars
  • Live Coaching Weekly
  • Questionnaires
  • Exams
  • Downloadable content

Find your purpose

Identify your special talents and abilities
Discover your purpose in life, the reason for being.
Find out where that magic spot is in life where you are able to maximise your unique talents and abilities

Live the life you were designed for

Learn how to build additional income streams to fast track your life financially
Learn how to properly set goals in five areas i.e. finances, career, health, family and community
Learn how to execute on those goals
Allow us to keep you accountable on these goals
Meet the instructor

Kevin Howell

Kevin is an entrepreneur, family business consultant, speaker and teacher. He has over 29 years experience in running multi-branch companies and his passion is to teach on business processes that can accelerate private businesses to their next level
Patrick Jones - Course author
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